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Showing posts from October, 2016

5 days in Singapore

3 years after my sister moved to Singapore we finally made it out there. My husband and I decided that 10 years of marriage was enough of an excuse to leave the children in my parents' capable hands and trek over to the other side of the world for a two-week holiday. We combined our Singapore fling with a week in Perth visiting friends who emigrated and packed in a lot of culture, food and drinks during our stay. It was, as I'd expected, a visit where the modernness of the city mixes as nicely with its heritage as our overpriced drinks mixed with our thirst after a day exploring the city/country in the hot sun. The hundreds of pictures I took (I'll spare you most) don't capture the gorgeous smells of the food, the sounds of the ever ongoing building work across the city, the refreshing dips in the pool after a day walking in 35C heat and the bliss of stepping into an air conditioned uber/shop/restaurant/apartment. Here are some of the highlights of our first visit....