Is it running away or looking for something new that makes people move? I am sure most people are familiar with a scenario like this: you are on holiday, enjoying the sunshine and the thought crosses your mind that maybe this is what life should be like all the time. In my mind, this thought is then quickly followed with a daydream of giving up the jobs we've had for the last few years, selling up and moving countries to settle into a new life of sunshine and fun, with the minor details of a job and other boring practicalities a small side note or afterthought. Very realistic, it's not. Nevertheless, it does make me think about how easy it is to tick along in our day to day life without questioning whether this is how we would choose to live if we had a clean slate. I currently quite like my life. It's easy, comfortable and familiar. If someone could guarantee it will stay like this then I would sign up for that. I could do with more sun, as where we live a few sunny ...