It's what all parents are thinking about and talking about. Some have even been dreaming about it since the start of the summer. The kids are starting school again this week.
With it comes the exhilaration at your new found freedom or the sad feeling that the summer together has gone all too soon. And that we will miss not only the sun but the time spent together.
Kids will be lining up to join their old friends again or standing around looking for a familiar friendly face in an overwhelming sea of people. As a parent you always hope that your child will be equipped with the strength and self confidence to deal with any feelings of loneliness or fear. There is no greater gut wrenching moment than when you fear your child is the one feeling like the odd one out or "Billy no mates".
My child is lucky to have had many friends in her class in the last few years.
This year she will be starting a new class, with barely a close friend in it. Not as bad as starting afresh in a new school perhaps but as a mum of a sensitive, bright little girl still a moment of apprehension. Will her old friends soon forget to include her at playtime as new bonds form in the current class? Will she feel like a little lost soul in a class full of friendships carried through from previous years? Perhaps not. Probably not.
She will most likely form new friendships. Add to those formed last year and meet some new friendly faces. That's what we tell each other and encourage her to do.
Building the excitement for her about the new class, new teacher and new friends, I can't help but wonder if we should also mention the fact that if she does find things hard, that is ok too. To not shy away from the hard part that can be school's social life. To prepare her rather than to merely hope that she won't feel lonely or sad sometimes.
For now I will send her off with a little note telling her we all love her and hope she enjoys her lovely new class. Positive thinking with a little love as back up.
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