Ever feel like you just want someone to come and remove all the junk from your house?
The stuff: the kids toys they never play with (but happily scatter around the house); the unread books, the clothes we've outgrown (yet the kids will still pull out, discard in the washing basket unworn for you to wash over and over unknowingly); the things lurking in drawers and cupboards; the things you trip over in the garage. The stuff.
This minimalist, Scandi-style is all the rage lately. But after having spent 3 years aiming to reduce the amount of clutter in our house, I can only conclude that I have been defeated. We seem to bring in far more than we get rid off. It's so tempting to get the black bin liners out and just swoop from room to room chucking everything out. Because it's the sorting through, the planning how and where to take things to (tip, charity shop, donate etc) that takes up all the time and makes me loose the will to live. OK, maybe not to live, but at least the will to actually keep on going with this Mari Kondo mission (all good and well, but who really has the time or inclination to sit for days feeling the love for an old sock or half ripped up children's book?).
So, I just want someone to come in and remove all the dead weight from around the house and leave me with a easy to tidy/clean, beautifully curated home where no odd sock remains or toy is stuffed underneath the sofa.
How do people do it - with their beautiful pin-worthy open plan, clean white living spaces?
What's the secret? I'm missing something. Probably perseverance. Or ruthlessness.
*Off to search for bin bags in the pile of stuff under the sink*
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