I don't know if it's very vain to think that anything I write on here will be "seen", but I struggle with the thought that whatever I write down here can be read by anyone.
What's worse - someone you know reading what you write or someone you don't know reading what you write?
Whenever I write a tweet and I guess now a blog post too, I get a little wave of panic wash over me that someone might actually read it. Ridiculous. Why bother writing something if it's not to be read?
It would be so much easier to write a generic blog, something about fashion (if I knew something about that) or rant about parenting children (something I do know about) but I think there are plenty of those about already.
Besides, I happen to like reading something true and real best. And if I'm going to do this, I might as well do it for real, my thoughts and perspective on whatever it is I actually care about (one of these days I'll find what that is, stick with me).
But that's exactly what scares me, YOU, reading whatever crazy stuff makes it out of my head and onto here. And not knowing who YOU are! Or maybe I do know you and you know me and next time you see me you'll think, she's a bit of a neurotic idiot and then I'll not know you're thinking that and blah blah blah.
"You get me??"
If I make it back for another post, I might actually write about something. You never know.
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