It's been a busy old month.
Lots of change, with highs and very lows. But we are looking ahead now. Good things are on the horizon. Plenty of nice things to look forward to.
So with that, let's put on some cheerful music, pick some new songs to listen to and get inspired to make it a great summer.
Music can change my mood pretty quickly. If I put on a soppy, folky track I can write the most melancholic post ever. Put on a bright, dance tune and I'll skip the writing for a bit of a dance and the energy boost it gives me might result in a clean house (or room at least) or a speedy run. Finding a new favourite song can put me in a great mood and inspire new adventures. Projects will get started and if it's a really good song, the project might actually get finished too. There isn't much more entertaining to my children than me dancing around like a loon in the kitchen while we cook dinner.
In contrast a sad song can evoke the strongest emotions. I remember the days of listening to heartbreaking music crying my eyes out whilst at the same time feeling a sense of relief that the music matched my sadness and seemed to wash it away tear by tear.
A film can have the same effect on me. It can bring up strong feelings of recognition, the "Ah, see THAT is what I am/feel like!" or make me feel inspired to be more like that character I admire or be brave and dare to be adventurous. It's usually a short-lived feeling, but therefore nonetheless important. It's great to absorb some of that feeling and "holiday" in someone else's character for a minute. Sometimes you discover parts of your character which you never knew were there or you allow yourself to grow into a direction you didn't even realised you wanted to develop. Because we don't want to just grow into One Direction, do we? (See what I did there?)
So when you get a great film WITH a great soundtrack, it's like magic - it really makes me feel like I am in a different world for a while and sometimes I find myself guilty of a little chameleon-like behaviour afterwards. Maybe that's why it's a good thing I'm not into horror movies.
Right, I'm off to browse the Deezer recommended songs of the day whilst dancing around in the kitchen cooking dinner for the troops. Have a fun music-filled day!
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