I'm on a mission.
A few months ago I went on a work course which required me to write a mission statement for my life. So far, so American. I was sent to sit by myself for 2 hours(!) to come up with it and all I ended up with was three words. Somehow all things I want were reduced to the following simple statements.
Not in a "Don't lie, Pinocchio" sense. I want to be true to myself. To have the courage to speak up, write what I really think, share photographs and allow myself to show people my weird little quirks and contradicting personality traits. To self-censor less and be vulnerable and 'open'. I'm pretty sure I'm an (undiagnosed) introvert, so this doesn't always come easy. In the past it has proven to be worth it though, so my aim is to "do me" more.
On the here and now, live in the moment. To appreciate what I have and don't skip ahead. All those things. I want to make sure that whatever I do, I give it my full attention and don't get too distracted by the urge to multitask or get side tracked. Whether it is to give my children attention free from technology or housework or to make sure I allow myself to spend time on developing the things that I like doing (photography, candle making, writing, yoga, running) focus is what is needed in order to do them well.
This one is a big one. Ironically. I need to worry less. Aim to want less. Decluttering of the mind and house (how many bags of baby clothes can one house contain?!). This one has been a mission for the last few years. My new year's resolution last year was LESS. Apply to all. Eat less, worry less, have less stuff cluttering the house, spend less, put off less what can be done now, stress less about things I cannot influence, arguing less with the kids/husband over the little things. Less negativity, more positivity. And so it goes on. As you can see, it's my nemesis this one. And yet, LESS so than last year.
It's not all that easy, I am still battling with the current state of the world (see my last post) which is really testing my resolve on the above points in many ways.
All the more reason to truly focus on worrying less and living more.
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