I stood next to someone at the tills today. I knew that person and yet I totally pretended I hadn't even spotted them. I may have even looked the other way and scooted off before they got a chance to notice me.
Not because I don't like that person. It's just that in that moment I panic slightly about exactly who this person is and where I know them from.
I quite often go blank when I need to remember someone's name. That's if I even realise I know that person before they approach and I have to frantically flick through my internal contact list to try and look less blank - even worse when you have to introduce two acquaintances. Excruciating.
I do genuinely like most of these people. It's not a lack of care or interest in them that causes the social memory loss. But I definitely wasn't first in line when facial recognition was being handed out. My phone probably has a better chance of that than I do. Siri - help!
Does anyone know of any tricks to remember people's names, faces and social tidbits of information that others seem to absorb so easily? You! (Who are you again?)
I can remember plenty of other stuff, some arguably much less interesting, so I don't think my brain has completely given up the ghost.
Not yet. Alzheimer's in the family so it's definitely only a matter of time.
In the meantime I'll just hide behind lamp posts and around corners. If you spot me doing this, please be kind and don't ask me to say your name...
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