I rock.
At least today I did. And some of this week. In fact, I'm starting to realise that I rock quite a lot of the time. Especially when I'm in a situation which scares the hell out of me.
I'm noticing more and more that the things which make me feel great about myself are those which I dread the most.
It's so much easier to stay within my comfort zone and not push myself to do the things that scare me, that when I do breakout of that comfy, cosy safe area it's a great surprise to feel the boost of self-esteem and confidence which inevitably comes from doing so.
That scary presentation, the uncomfortable lunch with someone unknown, going for dinner with people you don't know very well, standing up for yourself at work and being proud of what you achieve. These are the things that give the biggest boost of energy when you push yourself to do them and surprisingly, you do them well.
Never been fond of pushing myself too much. Maybe that's why in the past when things get tough I find it easier to jump ship and move on to something else, but I'm enjoying it now. So maybe i'm tougher than I think.
So I will keep pushing. Keep rocking.
Rock on.
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