Date Night.
I remember when I used to get butterflies at the thought of going out on a date.
Now, it's more likely that about twenty minutes before the babysitter is due I decide that maybe it's time to brush my hair, fix my make up and try to find something to wear.
Gone are the days of having a glass of wine whilst getting "glammed up". These days a cup of coffee to give me the energy to get out the door after 8pm is more appropriate.
I do still enjoy going out. Who wouldn't like to go out to eat food prepared for you by someone else, with no tidying up to do, no laundry baskets glaring at you from the corner of the room and actually being civilised enough to sit down at a table and have a conversation whilst eating said food?
Unfortunately the talk usually centres around children, house plans and occasionally a trip down memory lane to when we were child free and care free. Which then takes us back to children talk.
We're not at the stage of sitting in front of each other in silence. You know the type. They look like they want to be somewhere else, or with someone else. Not yet, we're not that bad. It's just that after nearly 15 years sometimes I will have heard the story being told before and it's hard not to zone out a little. Or I start bringing up "plans" which I think we should make, which to my husband probably translates as "Here are some jobs for you".
It's different when you go out in groups or with friends. I think people always save the best for when there's an audience, don't they? I would probably start thinking about getting ready about thirty minutes before it's time to go, put a little more effort into my outfit choice and as there are more participants the conversation would be a little more varied.
So, it's thirty-five minutes until the babysitter arrives, I'm going to start this one off as I mean to go on. Put a bit of effort into it. Those five minutes will make all the difference.
Date night, here I come.
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